Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Day In The Life Of Liana : A Mini Mom For The Day!

Today, I am playing a "little game" called Mini Mom For A Day...
I am in charge of watching my mother's friend's, 9 year old daughter, Maya for the day, while she is at work. I have to take her to and from camp, feed her, entertain her and make today a fun and memorable experience for her. 

The one and only single rule is...
Make this the best day for Maya EVER!!!!!

Through a series of photographs and captions I am going to take you along with me on this crazy journey! 

Before sending them off to camp,  you've course got to sugar em' up, so I introduced the child to her first ever Starbucks Frappuccino-- Double Chocolatey Chip style! 

We then spent some pleasant quality time with our dear friend Kate, who happened to be at Starbucks this morning as well.  

On the walk to camp, dear sweet Maya discovered a new instrument, it's called the crosswalk button. She has a true talent for it! She played it until we were finally given the walk signal.

I dropped this crazy minion off at theatre camp for a few hours, and when I picked her up...

I prepared her a "beary" quick & easy snack 

Then we took advantage of the heat and played in the hose! Did someone say epic water party? 

Watching a child for a day you also got me a free eager dog walker! What a great helper she was! 

Last and certainly not least, I completely rejected adulthood, and we made an epic blanket and pillow fort together. We even ended up watching soul surfer from amongst the fluffy pillow heaven!  

Emily and Liana (Limly) 

20 Facts You May Not Know About Me (Liana Style)

Emily and I have both been feeling like its time for our readers to get to know us a little better and on a more personal level. We both thought this post "20 Facts You May Not Know About Me" would be the perfect way to do just that! Lets rock and roll!

1.) I absolutely love the rain. I could listen to rain drops falling for hours-I find this particular sound to be really soothing and meditative. There is truly, nothing quite like the fresh smells that fill the air right after it has just stopped raining. 

2.) My favorite color is sunshine yellow. It is such a bright and cheerful color, that it never fails to fill me to the brim with such happiness. 

3.) My dream car is a VW bus. I know...I know... I am such a hippie at heart, but I have always thought it would be so cool to drive around in an old vintage VW bus! 

4.) I can touch my nose with my tongue. Hows that for a random fact for ya?  

5.) I have always wanted a pet pig. A teacup pig to be exact. I would name him Wilbur, after my favorite childhood book, Charlottes Web. 

6.) I have a irrational fear of riding on escalators. Every time I have to ride on one, I can feel my heart drop in my chest and I become nervous and paranoid. I am slowly getting better with this, as I used to stop dead at the top and take forever to finally step on, blocking traffic behind me. I, now, only falter for a short minute and then step on, but I still have to keep both hands free and hold onto the railing with at least one hand. I have never understood this fear of mine. 

7.) Sour patch kids are my favorite movie candy. 

8.) I have horrible insomnia. It takes me a long time to fall asleep at night and when I finally do, I generally don't sleep for that long. Its hard for me to get my mind to shut up long enough to relax and fall into a deep enough sleep. 

9.) I have always wanted to be a vegetarian. I have always wanted to try being vegetarian, but I love steak to much to give it up (even for a short time).  

10.) My favorite flowers are sunflowers and sunset colored roses. 

11.) I have a major addiction to buying greeting cards. Every time I walk into a card store I have to buy more. I just can't help myself. I currently have a box of 113 stashed under my bed, that I have yet to send to anyone. I know...I have a problem..

12.) I have three all time favorite animals. My favorite animal constantly switches between giraffes, elephants and owls. 

13.) My all time favorite restaurant is Grill on the Alley in downtown San Jose. But I have only ever been once because its very expensive. 

14.) I can't swallow pills. I never have been able too, despite trying every suggestion and tip people have given me. Oh well! 

15.) I cant walk in heels. At all! 

16.) My favorite classic disney movie is peter pan, my favorite new disney movie is frozen!

17.)  I have always wanted a tattoo. I have wanted to get a tattoo for a few years now but am too scared of the pain I would have to go through to get it. 

18.) I collect bracelets. I always wear my collection of friendship bracelets and rubber wristbands. Each one has a story or a memory attached to it. 

19.) My all time favorite movie is Bridesmaids. Malificent is a close second though. 

20.) I love old records. I swear I was born in the wrong time period. I love old music. I love the old style of clothing. I love the older way of life. But above all, I especially love playing my old records on my record player. I really like the vintage sound they have! 

Thats 20!

Please, feel free to contact Emily and I with a fun fact about yourself, that you would like us to know!

Emily and Liana (Limly) 

20 Facts You May Not Know About Me (Emily Style)

Bonjour Beauties!
Liana and I wanted to make sure our readers knew somethings about us whether it be a random fact or a real life issue, so to allow you guys to see into the mind of Emily, I present to you 20 facts about me!

1.) I love the dark. I often go out in the middle of the night and sit in my backyard sipping tea and listening to the small fountains we have back there.

2.) Music is my lifeline. I am found with headphones in 99% of the time, jamming to literally anything you could imagine, from Elvis to 5 Seconds of Summer to Bowling for Soup.

3.) I am a shopaholic. The moment I receive any amount of money, it is immediately used for clothes, makeup and shoes. What can I say, I'm addicted.

4.) My favorite place to be is inside my bed. I am the definition of homebody. I love to be at home in my bed alone, its just a place that I feel safest.

5.) I play the ukulele. My sister bought me one for Christmas last year and it was the best gift I could have received, she is beautiful and her name is Meredith.

6.) I could drink coconut water for days. I absolutely love it, it is my favorite drink on planet earth, it is absolutely amazing.

7.) Cats are my favorite animals. Cats are absolutely amazing, they are sweet and cuddly and the perfect amount of sass and diva.

8.) Tea is the best thing to happen ever. Tea is so calming and can relax anyone, and has amazing natural effects on the body.

9.) I love the smell of old books. I love to read old books and the smell is a humongous plus to reading them. It smells like old people and happiness.

10.) My mom passed away two years ago. She was in a car accident and I miss her dearly.

11.) I thought I was a legitimate princess for two years of my childhood. A doctor told me I was because of the bellybutton I had, so obviously I believed her, and I went around telling everyone that I was and got angry when they didn't follow my commands. (Maybe that's why I'm so demanding and such a diva nowadays..)

12.) I still sleep with the baby blanket my mom made me every night. #sorrynotsorry. It is comforting to me and if you think that's weird I bet you most of the people you know still sleep with something from their childhood.

13.) I want to become a fashion merchandiser. Because I can't draw for the life of me but still want to work in fashion.

14.) I love old movies (*cough* Breakfast Club *cough*). These old movies range from the 40's to the 90's, I can't get enough.

15.) Ed Sheeran is my everything. Seriously, amazing voice, red hair, great back story of trial and triumph, what isn't to love?

16.) I love people watching. I could sit on a bench for hours watching people, I study them closely and sometimes make up their back stories.

17.) I write stories to get out of my own mind. I love to write, about anything and everything, and for an over thinker like me, that is a great thing to be able to escape to.

18.) I have anxiety. I've always been an anxious person, and I overthink everything that happens in one day. At night I spend ages overthinking the days events. It takes me so long to stop overthinking the tiniest thing.

19.) I am a very secretive person. Not because I don't trust people, but because I don't like to put my problems on everyone else, and I hate other people to worry about me, which is why I hide things from my friends and family.

20.) I love to listen. I love when people talk to me about their problems, or really about anything, because I love to know more about the people around me and I love to help them.

...So there it is! Twenty facts about me.I hope you enjoyed reading! If there are any interesting facts about you that you think I should know, just leave it in the comments below!
Emily and Liana (Limly)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tips And Tutorials On Constructing The Perfect Little Whimsical Fairy Garden

(I owe you lovely readers all an apology. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have no major life shattering reason, it has purely been that I had a major time misconception--this craft and post itself took a lot longer to complete than I had originally thought.)

Have you recently been looking for a fun and unique craft project to start? Well, look no further! I have the perfect one just for you! Today, I am going show you how to make the perfect little whimsical fairy garden in just a few simple steps. The finished product can function as a magical new addition to your porch or garden, or like mine it be a fun and unique gift for a special child (or even adult) in your life! Here is a quick video tour of what your finished fairy garden could possibly end up looking like! Enjoy, be creative, make it your own, and of course, have fun crafting! 

I started with a large round pot that I purchased at Summer Winds. However you can get a similar pot at just about any nursery or home and gardens store. The size and even shape of the container is completely up to you! Choose a container that speaks to you, as this will be the base for your entire fairy garden. (I wanted to keep mine on the smaller side, to make it easy to transport. But if you are making yours for yourself, instead of a gift, you can go as BIG or as small as you would like. You can even use a plot of land in your own garden, to give you endless creative space, if you choose to.)

Once you have decided on the perfect pot or container, to hold your garden, its time to start building the basic foundation. I did this by purchasing a 12 inch cork mat at Summer Winds and placing it in the bottom of the pot.

Next I cut a circular piece of foam core to fit the pot and placed it on top of the cork mat. I then lined the pot with preserved sheet moss, also which, I purchased at Summer Winds.

NOTE: Another alternative option, is to completely fill your pot with soil or even sand. I decided on the foam core and moss because I wanted to prevent soil spills and keep the weight of the garden as light as possible. If you later want to add live plants to your fairy garden I would recommend going with the soil option.

Next its time to get creative! From here on out the post consists of tutorials for everything that I added to my fairy garden, you can pick and choose, what you like from my ideas and you can of course, include some of your own fun ideas, to make your garden fit YOU and make it have your very own style.

Clear Blue River Tutorial 

To make the river all I did was purchase a big bag of blue sea glass at Summer Winds. Before working with them I made sure to wash them until they were nice and clean, in order to make them sparkle and shine when the light hits them. I then placed them one by one to form the shape, length and width of the river I wanted. To give the river even more of a stereotypical river look I lined both sides with small river pebbles that I found in my craft cupboard. If you choose to (and are brave enough) you can even make your river out of real water. This option is perfect for the more natural gardens, the ones built on real plots of actual land, or the ones with living plants or flowers growing in them. 

Fairy Tree Tutorial (Includes Swing)

Near the back of the pot I created a large whimsical fairy tree. 

I first broke branches that I bought at Micheals. I combined which branches I wanted, to make a tree. You can give your tree as many or as few branches as you would like. I also made a point to make one branch stronger and longer than the others, as I wanted to tie a swing onto the branch later. 

I then used preserved moss as the tufts of greenary on the bare branches.  I glued them on using a glue gun.

Next I wanted to add a little whimsy to the fairy tree. I did this by adding the detail of a small sparkly white fence around the tree. I bought a package of Lara's Crafts', individual 2" fence pickets and painted them with transparent sparkly modpodge, which can be bought at Michael's or most any other craft store. To hold them in the ground (or in this case foam) I glued toothpicks on the back. I then painted them to match the fence and used modpodge to hold the toothpicks in place without leaving any unwanted residue. 


When sticking the fence pickets in place around the tree, I left an opening in the front and attached a small open gate that I made from "Woodsies" 2 1/2 inch mini craft sticks. All I did for the gate was paint the craft sticks with white paint and sparkly mod podge to match the pickets and cut the bottoms off, later gluing the sticks together to make a perfect fairy gate. 

Last but not least I added the swing. I went to backyard and found the perfect piece of thicker bark and drilled two holes into either end. Next I strung a piece twine through the holes of the bark tying them each off with a knot and then strung the other end of the twine through the holes of the longer tree branch tying the swing to the branch with a second knot.

Fairy Table Tutorial  (Cup place setting included)

To make the fairy table I used four of the faux tree trunk stepping stones that I purchased at Summer Winds and a piece of redwood bark.

I stacked the stepping stones on top of each other, gluing them in place, with a glue gun, and then glued the large piece of redwood tree bark, that I found in my backyard, to the top, to create the table surface.

For the cups I just cut two small pieces of a hollow reed like weed that I found growing in my front yard and placed them as the table setting. 


Around the edge of the whole pot as well as intertwined around the fence I added small LED fairy lights that I purchased at a store in Los Gatos called Whatnot and Doodads.

All fairy gardens need a few fairies. I purchased four large fairies and three little ones from a fun store Whatnots and Dodads as well and placed them around the garden. You can place the fairies as if they are interacting to make the scene even more fun and festive. From the same store I also purchased a colorful mushroom to add to the garden.

Last but not least all fairies have a few animal friends! (At least fairies in a garden, that will be going to a 10 year old, who aspires to be a vet do!)

I purchased the above animals at Summer Winds. 

Please note both the animals and smaller fairies, although purchased separately at different store, are the same collection. They are both part of the Land and Sea Nature Series.

Other finishing touches purchased at Summer Winds also include birdbath with frog adornment, and tree stump stepping stones. 

I hope you enjoyed my fairy garden tour and tutorials! 

If you like what you have seen please remember to comment and share our blog with your friends and family. Thanks! 

Emily and Liana (Limly) 

Monday, July 28, 2014

A New Me: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself

Bonjour Beauties!
Everyone experiences hardships in their lives. It's simply a part of being a human being. We all have experienced a lost friend, a death of someone you're close to, an illness, a big fight, or a breakup. These things are hard, but the most wonderful part is when they end. When you see the little light at the end of the tunnel or you finally feel like you can breath again. Most of us, at the end of a hard time, want to change. Ourselves, our outlook, our relationships. We want a fresh start.
I tend to do this a lot. Start over. Not because I'm over dramatic about bad things that happening to me and not because I have so much bad that I need to change all the time, its because its my way of letting go. That being said, I'm kind of a pro at the 'reinvention of me' thing. So I came up with a list of tips and tricks to starting over and reinventing yourself, hopefully they help you out!

1. Redecorate- Changing the environment you live in is so important. You don't need to tear apart your room and paint and all of those things, just move some furniture around, add some new wall art, buy a new little pillow for your bed, find some DIY's online and change up your bedroom with cute crafts! If you can't change your room at all maybe opt for just a deep cleaning, dust, vacuum,clear out trash, just so you feel better in the space you are in. I do this by creating collages of things from magazines and hanging up pictures and letters and small things that make me happy.

2. Find a new hobby- For me it was this blog, but it can be ANYTHING. Sewing, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, a new sport, collecting things, the world is your oyster and you can do anything. If you think you aren't very good at something just remember that you get better with practice. Do you think Michael Jordan was shooting three pointers the first time he picked up a basketball? Was Einstein a math genius when he first started his times tables? Were the Beatles amazing musicians the first time they played together? No. Being good takes work, so don't refrain from doing something just because you are scared you won't be good at it. 

3.  Change your wardrobe- Donate your old clothes and buy new ones. They don't have to be expensive and you don't need to buy a new closet in a day, just slowly rebuild your wardrobe by buying a piece here and there, getting hand-me-downs from friends, and if you are a super crafty person you can even make your own.

4. Change your hair- Dye it, cut it, shave it, dreadlock it, get a perm, whatever you want. As small as it may seem changing your hair can give you a new outlook and can make you feel ten times better. Just remember, hair grows back so whatever you do isn't permanent! 

5. Get rid of reminders- If it is a breakup you are recovering from (breakup is not specific to a significant other, it could be a friendship, or even a family member you need to cut off from) then this means throwing away letters, notes, gifts, deleting pictures, texts and phone numbers, so you can feel free and not have anything you might come across and have sudden feelings of sadness and regret.

Good luck on the road to change!

Emily and Liana (Limly)

How To Use A Simple Staple Of Your Wardrobe To Fit Any Occasion: Little Grey Dress Edition

Today I am going to show you how to take a simple staple of your wardrobe and turn it into something fabulous, for a whole variety of different occasions. I will show you how to style it to work for everything from, a night out on the town, to a not-too-hot-not-too-cold summers day, to a rock and roll concert, to a sweet flower child look.

Almost everyone has heard of the LBD (Little Black Dress) but what about the LGD (Little Grey Dress)? One of my all time favorite articles of clothing that I have ever purchased is my Grey 'Love Delirious Los Angeles' dress that I bought at Marshalls a few months ago.  I love it because its so simple to style and can be worn for so many different occasions-all you have to do is add a few touches of your own!

This is the staple that I choose to start with. Its very simple but still has a certain sophistication to it. 

A Not-Too-Hot-Not-Too-Cold Summer's Day 

Summer is about making fun, colorful and very bold statements. To do that, I choose to add a colorful chunky necklace, that I bought at a thrift store in Downtown Willow Glen, along with a pair bright solid colored blue tights. I went with a turquoise blue for the tights to bring down some of the turquoise of the rocks on the necklace.  If you have long enough hair, or the weather is too hot to wear tights, another fun substitute (or addition) is a bold or bright colorful hairpiece that plays off the color of the necklace you chose. In this case however, the majority of my hair accessories (that I can still use with my short hair) are currently packed away for college, therefore instead of a bold color statement, being through a hair clip or hair bow (which would have been my go to accessory) I went with a fun teal clip-in hair extension. 

A Night Out On The Town 

Every girl on a date night or night out on the town needs a little sparkle. To start off this look I added a blue and purple shimmery ball necklace that I purchased at Cost Plus World Market. It adds a slightly whimsical  touch with its shimmer and its fun jewel shaped beads. I then added a black designer sweatshirt with golden adornments. I purchased this jacket at a small local boutique in downtown Los Gatos, called Thats So Cute, that unfortunately went out of business last year. I then zipped the jacket part way up and added a braided headband to match my hair color. This was a easy way to add a cute and simple hairstyle. 

Rock and Roll Concert 

To the initial dress, I first added my favorite Crossroads leather jacket (the one talked about in my previous post), because we all know that every rocker chick needs her leather! I then zipped the jacket up, leaving enough open and unzipped at the top, to show off the black lace around the neck of the dress. I then added, a gold charm style necklace that I bought on sale at H & M. Next I needed a pop of color, for which I decided on red tights and a off white and gold bow. The gold from the necklace and the gold from the bow play nicely off each other adding a hint of bling!

Sweet Flower Child

Adding a light colored, pink and white flowered headband and white tights to match, is the perfect way to make the little grey dress fun, and sweet. Last but not least, I than chose to add a pink crystal necklace to draw the color down and top off the outfit in adorable flirty way! 

If you don't already own a grey dress I would highly recommend it, because it is a great color to be both casual and elegant or fancy. It gives you a great blank canvas to have fun with your outfits and completely add your own style.

Have Fun and Keep Styling! 

Emily & Liana (Limly) 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Come Look at the Freaks! Side Show Musical Review

Bonjour Beauties! 
Friday night I was sitting in my room, doing usual teenage girl stuff with absolutely no plans and one of my best friends called me up and offered me one of her extra tickets to a play she was in called Side Show, done by the CMT in San Jose, CA. Seeing as I had nothing else to do and I had been told so much about it of course I accepted the invitation!

If you've never heard of it here is a little blurb:
Set in the 1930's, conjoined twins, Daisy and Violet Hilton work in a Sideshow, a show dedicated to showcasing 'freaks'. The twins' act includes singing, which a talent scout finds note worthy and immediately is drawn to them, convincing his boss that he can make them stars. The girls are trained and taught to sing and dance in unison and immediately become overnight sensations. Their journey to fame is filled with romance, heart break and conflict, everything you would expect and more. The story is heartwarming and highly emotional and not only showcases the difficulties of being conjoined in the career aspect, but also over romance and wanting different things from life.

CMT's production of Side Show was perfectly casted and showcased an abundance of rising stars, young actors and actresses that will undoubtedly make a name for themselves (so keep an eye out). I went the opening night so there were a few minor mistakes, but lets be honest, what shows don't have those? This show is family friendly and is great for all ages, a great show for a date night, or a family day out.
All I can say is that you definitely should go look at the freaks!

Emily and Liana (Limly)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Magnificent Maleficent Makeup Tutorial

Bonjour Beauties!
I recently went and saw the new Maleficent movie (its absolutely amazing by the way, I wildly recommend it) and I fell in LOVE with her makeup. I've always been a fan of largely defined cheekbones (maybe not Maleficent status definition, but close), red lips, and dark eye looks, so this was an immediate no brainer when the idea was presented to me by Liana. This look may not be for everyday (unless you like daytime drama makeup) but its great for going out at night, or even a toned down Halloween costume makeup!

Step One:
Begin by putting on your usual base makeup (moisturizer, eye and face primer, foundation, concealer, etc) then use a bronzer to define your cheekbones very well. Follow with a dark rose colored blush, or any sort of deep color you prefer.
Step Two:
Next use a bronze cream eye shadow to create a base for the eye makeup.
Step Three:
Pat a lavender powder eye shadow all over the eyelid, then use a black or brown shimmery color to define the crease (build slowly or you could end up looking as though you were punched). End with a white or off white highlight on your brow bone, just below the eye brow.
Step Four:
Use a gold or cream colored gel or pencil eyeliner on your water line to make your eyes look bigger and more awake.
Step Five:
Wing time! The story is based around Maleficent's wings, so this step is important! Use a black eyeliner (gel, pencil or liquid) to create a slight wing, nothing to major unless you prefer it that way!
Step Six:
Use your favorite lengthening black mascara to create dramatic eyelashes!
Step Seven:
Finally add a bright red color to your lips!
Pro Tip: Just before doing your makeup brush your teeth, and while doing so scrub your lips a bit, it removes dead skin and creates a smooth surface to apply your lipstick, then use a lip balm right after!
And that is the finished makeup look! Not to intense but definitely noticeable, and will turn lots of heads!

Products I used: Bare Mineral's powder foundation in Fairly Light, Bare Mineral's bronzer in Warmth, Benefit's Porefessional, Benefit's Stay Don't Stray eye primer, Urban Decay's Anarchy Face Case Palette, Smashbox's Wish for the Perfect Palette, Benefit's cream shadow in My Two Cents, Benefit's They're Real mascara and Saffron's lipstick in Brick

Happy Makeuping!

Emily and Liana (Limly)

SNACK SHACK SATURDAY: A Perfect Sweet N' Salty Nibbley Nosh

Have you ever had one of those days where you were hungry but didn't have the energy or motivation to prepare yourself something to to eat? I know, (probably more often than not), that I personally have! Thats exactly why Emily and I felt it was necessary to start this new blog segment, Snack Shack Saturday-for lazy teens, adults, college students, and parents. For each Snack Shack Saturday post, we will write about one effortless (or near effortless) snack that you can make for yourself or your kids, on those exhausted and unmotivated days. Sometimes it will be healthy, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, or sometimes, like today it will be both sweet and salty! 

Today's snack recommendation is....

*Drum roll please*


Its very easy and very tasty but also very customizable! There is so many different choices of dips you can choose from. Some of my personal favorites are Nutella, Peanut Butter, Cream Cheese Icing, and Fluffy Marshmallow Spread, however there are so many more, such as Nusco (which is chocolate and white swirl spread), Trader Joes' Cookie Butter, World Market's Hazelnut and Vanilla Spread and endless more! Its a simple snack that you can have a lot of fun with!

Hope you enjoy your noshing!

Emily & Liana (Limly)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Liana's Friday Favorites : Favorite Independent Mom & Pop Shops (Or Smaller Local Businesses)

Da na! Da na! It's random fact time! 

Did you know that if each of us spent 100 dollars a year on local businesses, instead of chain stores, it would put an extra 3 million dollars a year into our economy, as well as create thousands of more jobs each year?  What is the moral of the story, folks? Thats right, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MOM AND POP SHOPS! It will not only help them, but also help you!

To help support this cause, I have decided to use our Friday's Favorites post to help highlight my personal favorite Mom and Pop Shops as well as a few of my favorite smaller local chain stores. Each of them are truly precious treasures that I can't wait to introduce you too! They each have a fun, quirky character of their own. I hope you check them out and enjoy them, maybe even as much as I do!

1.) Cottage Crafts Boutique is a small, warm and cozy shop residing in the Cambrian Park Plaza on Camden and Union in San Jose. They have provided twenty years of service selling quality handcrafts to the masses. They feature and sell the work of many different local artisans and crafters. Their merchandise changes frequently, often with the seasons, and they are always acquiring new unique items to put on the sales floor. The sales staff is always helpful, friendly and smiling. They almost always ask how your day is or strike up a conversation with you, while you are meandering through the store looking at the shelves of handcrafts. The staff is knowledgeable, and is always willing to try their best to answer any question you may have about the crafts or their creators. This is definitely a local community based company that cares about is customers and its long lasting promise of quality customer service. Many events are held at the store, such as Tea tastings, art shows or art festivals. I have loved walking in the door to this shop for many years, and have countless fond memories of wandering through the store as a little girl, falling in love with what I saw and asking to buy everything I set my eyes on. This store never fails to put a smile on my face and hole in my pocket!

2.) SpaceCat is a relatively small hobby, toy, gaming and comic book shop that caters to your every nerdy need! It sits on Bascom Avenue, in San Jose and is packed from floor to ceiling with comics, video games, action figures and many other products along these lines. It is heaven for a proud geek like me! I have them to have certain comic books or action figures that I was unable to find elsewhere. They have a wide selection of quality items to scour through and the cashiers are knowledgable about their products, stock and the fandoms as a whole.  They are willing to help you out with any question you may have or are happy to give recommendations if you request them. Spacecat is also the perfect place to find many retro products such as cassettes, old books or old fashioned toys.

3.) Moon Zoom a vintage and retro clothing shop on West San Carlos Street in San Jose. They sell clothing from literally every single time period, and at a rather afforable price (for the most part). Walking past the racks of clothing is a blast from the past. There has yet to be a time that I walk into Moon Zoom and don't come out with at least one new article of clothing (if not more.) They sell everything from bell bottoms, to 40s dresses, to vintage bathing suits, to authentic zoot suits! The shop itself is two levels and has a fun unique character with is graffiti wall covered in writing and stickers to its merchandise. I would definetly recommend Moon Zoom as the place to buy one of a kind pieces of clothing that you can't find anywhere else.

To give you an idea of their merchandise and their merchandise quality, as well as the authenticity of their clothing, this is a photograph of my mom and I wearing two Moon Zoom purchases at a 1930s themed wedding shower we attended a few months ago 

4.) Books Inc, although not a Mom and Pop shop, this is a smaller local bookstore chain. Although they are, admittedly, a bookstore, they also carry many other products. Along with their many shelves of great books, they sell toys, stationary, small gift items and lots and lots of greeting cards! Every Tuesday in July, the Mountain View location is having a buy 4 get one free card sale! They have a variety of spectacular, heartwarming, witty and crude cards for just about any occasion. Books Inc also holds many story times for young children as well as a rare Junior Bookseller opportunity for children ages 8-18. The junior booksellers help keep the store in order as well as help set up certain areas of the bookstore such as book tables and displays. Whats the best part of the Junior Booksellers program? They get paid for their hard work in free books! Sounds like a great deal for your favorite little bookworm to me!

5.) Falafel Drive-In is a small drive through restaurant in San Jose. Although it is named after their falafels, they are best known for their refreshing banana milkshakes. I have been coming here specially for their shakes ever since I was a little girl and am still just as in love with them now, as I was back then. They are definitely a childhood favorite! I have yet to find another shake that even comes close to comparing. Other menu items that I would recommend are their falafel salads, onion rings and corn dogs. If you have a desire to try one of their amazing meals, they can be found on Steven Creeks Blvd in the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden area. The only thing to keep in mind is they close early in the evening on most days so make sure to arrive earlier rather than later! I promise you won't regret it!

6.) Crossroads Trading Company, another small chain store, is a trendy thrift shop that keeps up with the latest, fashion, trends and fashion forward clothing statements! The only draw back is that it doesn't generally have the thrift store prices, the prices tend match the retail price. Despite this, you can still find bargains, at crossroads, if you look hard enough. A major pro of crossroads is that, unlike most thrift shops. you don't have to shuffle through mounds of clothing to find a treasure-the majority of their merchandise is fantastic and perfect for any teen, young adult, or adult's closet! Their clothing is quality and it lasts! They are very picky about the thrifted items that they ultimately allow on their sales floor and they turn down about 40  percent of what people try to sell to them. I bought my all time favorite leather jacket from crossroads three years ago and despite its constant use and ware, it still looks almost brand new. I own 4 leather jackets, but I have yet to find another one that I love quite as much as my Crossroads purchase. There are multiple Crossroads locations, but my personal favorite is on West San Carlos Street in San Jose.

I even sported the amazing leather jacket I bought from Crossroads in my Senior photographs last year 

7.) Park Place Vintage is similar to Moon Zoom in its market, although, due to its wider range of products, (extending to not only clothing but furniture and packaged costumes as well), Park Places vintage clothing selection is much smaller than Moon Zooms. Their clothing products range from the 20s to the 70s although it is mostly concentrated in the era of the poodle skirt, saddle shoes and mod girl style. Some of the clothing is outsourced, although a large amount of it is also hand sewn by the shops owner herself, to resemble authentic period pieces. I have bought myself a poodle skirt, hand sewn paisley romper and black and white sailor style dress, all from Park Place and I still wear each of them quite a lot. They are well made and unique. Much of what she sells in her shop, has one item of each product available, with the exception of items such as poodle skirts or the items she has sewn herself. The customer service is spectacular here and the owner is one of the sweetest down to earth ladies I have ever met! I am always happy to support this lovely little shop!

8.) The Kidz Shoppe which stands directly next to Cottage Crafts Boutique in the Cambrian Park Plaza is an adorable children's consignment shop. It sells gently used clothing, toys, books, and baby items, as well as a few new items such as unopened craft projects or beautiful children's hair adornments. When you walk in, its hard to tell that most of the items are used consignment items as they are all in such good condition and are top quality. The prices are amazing and the staff is friendly and helpful. I bought many of my own personal childhood items here.

9.) Hijinx Comics is a comic book store (Shocker right?) that has a insanely large collection of every comic book you can imagine. Hardback, paper back book style, traditional and much much more. Unlike, Spacecat, mentioned earlier, Hijinx focuses solely on comics and comic merchandise. This is the shop from which I have bought all of the current Wonder Woman comics I own, if you want to own some comics of your own head on down to Lincoln Ave. in Willow Glen and check them out!. The owner is always getting new stuff in and always obtaining new comics! For all you superheroes out there, this is an amazing store to know about, after all its the oldest comic book store in San Jose!

10.) Natasha's Attic is my all time favorite costume shop! They have a wide variety of costumes, makeup, wigs and hats, to choose from all year round, not just during the traditional Halloween time. They have quality costumes for sale but they also rent authentic costumes for certain well known characters from the back of the shop. I have bought a ton of foam wig heads, different styled wigs, beautiful costumes and loads of make up from this shop. They have never disappointed me! I know, I have said a large number of the stores mentioned in todays post have had great customer service, but truly none of them can top Natasha's Attic service. I mean that in the utmost sincerity. When I went to go buy zombie makeup for a home school dance my friend had invited me too, the lady working behind the makeup counter spent a hour with me walking me through my make up options and showing me how each worked. She even gave me tips on how to use each product properly and gave me instructions on how to get to effect I was looking for. Her kindness extended even further, as she gave me advice on how to get the most by spending the least amount of money. That was only one of the amazing customer service experiences I have had at Natasha's Attic. I have to admit, however, the experience that really sold me on Natasha's Attic, was a few weeks before my sixteenth birthday. I had planned a large Alice and Wonderland themed sweet sixteen. I had asked all my guests to come in Alice and Wonderland related costume. My group of friends, being mostly friends I had met through acting, I knew would be willing to go all out and have fun with my request. My birthday being in the beginning of December, however, came with one major drawback. Costumes were hard to come by. I had looked all over for the perfect Alice costume but had only found slutty Alice or cheap looking costumes that weren't anything close to what I had imagined. Finally when we came to Natasha's Attic the lady behind the counter, who that day happened to be the owner, took me to her rack of Alice costumes. I was disappointed to learn they were just as sad and dejected looking as all the other dresses, that the previous costume store staff had tried to pawn off on me. I thanked the owner politely for all her help but she could see in my face I was disappointed. She pulled me aside and told me to follow her. She took me to the back and showed me the Alice dress they had on stock to rent out to customers. It was a beautiful long silk blue dress matching exactly what Mia Wasikowska had worn in the most recent film. It was perfect! My eyes lit up. To make a long story short, she made a huge exception and sold us the dress for exactly what it would have cost to rent it as a special gesture because she wanted my birthday to be special and for it to turn out the way I had always imagined it to be. Whenever I think of Natasha's Attic I think of her kind gesture and her caring heart.

11.) Dick's Bakery is a small family owned bakery on Meridian Avenue in San Jose. It is small, but mighty! They sell the best Burnt Almond Cake in the entire world and have the nicest staff. The sales staff used to give me a free "chocolate swirl cookie" (God knows what the actual name for those cookies are) every time we would come into pick up a Burnt Almond Cake for a family birthday.

I hope this post has inspired to go check out some of the Mom and Pop Shops near you! You never know what cute unique business you might come across!

Emily & Liana (Limly) 

Emily's Fashion Pick Of the Day!

Bonjour Beauties!
Emily here with a controversial statement: Fedora's are cool.
But Emily, aren't they a bit to elderly, a bit to 1920's mafia, a bit to friend-zoned nice guy? The answer is no!

I searched all over for a blog-worthy fashion pick of the day, and then a bright light came from above. And by that I mean I laid eyes on the large collection of hats on top of my wardrobe that have slowly been collecting dust. I glanced at my favorite feathery fedora, that has gone unworn, along with the rest of my hats, for months, and decided it was time to rekindle my love affair with my hats. Now hats, especially fedoras, can be a trouble to style, but with the right outfit, it can make your wardrobe go from basic to beautiful! Easily the most simple and statemented accessory found on any of your favorite clothing store shelves, hats can brighten a boring outfit, dress up casual clothes and hide a horrible hair day, so whats not to love?
 Here you will see the aforementioned hat, with multicolored feathers and a blue strip of material wrapped around the top (unseen in this picture).
 I find that the perfect way to style a hat is with a pair of high waisted shorts and a neutral colored semi-dressy top.
 This outfit is great for a not-to-hot-not-to-cold summer day out with friends, or even just a chill day at home.
My outfit consisted of a grey fedora with black, red and brown feathers from H&M, a white Forever 21 button-up dress shirt,  A pair of black Forever 21 high waisted shorts and my favorite black strappy sandals, again Forever 21. (Do you sense the recurring theme here?)

Emily & Liana (Limly)